Anders Ibsen?–1756
- Name
- Anders Ibsen
Marriage | Anna Madsdatter - View family yes |
Birth of a brother | before 20 June 1720 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
brother -
Jens Ibsen
Baptism of a brother | 20 June 1720 Indslev Kirke, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
brother -
Jens Ibsen
Birth of a brother | before 5 July 1722 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
brother -
Christen Ibsen
Baptism of a brother | 5 July 1722 Indslev Kirke, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
brother -
Christen Ibsen
Birth of a brother | before 19 November 1724 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
brother -
Niels Ibsen
Baptism of a brother | 19 November 1724 Indslev Kirke, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
brother -
Niels Ibsen
Death of a brother | before 25 November 1725 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
brother -
Niels Ibsen
Burial of a brother | 25 November 1725 Indslev Kirkegård, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
brother -
Niels Ibsen
Birth of a brother | before 8 December 1726 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
brother -
Knud Ibsen
Baptism of a brother | 8 December 1726 Indslev Kirke, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
brother -
Knud Ibsen
Birth of a brother | before 1 October 1730 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
brother -
Niels Ibsen
Baptism of a brother | 1 October 1730 Indslev Kirke, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
brother -
Niels Ibsen
Birth of a sister | before 26 April 1733 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
sister -
Anne Marie Ibsen
Baptism of a sister | 26 April 1733 Indslev Kirke, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
sister -
Anne Marie Ibsen
Birth of a sister | before 8 April 1736 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
sister -
Dorothea Ibsdatter
Baptism of a sister | 8 April 1736 Indslev Kirke, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
sister -
Dorothea Ibsdatter
Birth of a daughter #1 | about 1746 Bubel, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
daughter -
Anna Maria Andersdatter
Birth of a son #2 | about 1750 Bubel, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
son -
Jeppe Andersen
Birth of a son #3 | 1756 Bubel, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark
son -
Mads Andersen
Death | before 15 July 1756 Bubel, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark |
Probate | 15 July 1756 Bubel, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
#1 brother |
Jens Ibsen
Birth before 20 June 1720 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Death yes Loading...
4 years #2 brother |
Niels Ibsen
Birth before 19 November 1724 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Death before 25 November 1725 (Age 12 months) Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Loading...
2 years #3 brother |
Knud Ibsen
Birth before 8 December 1726 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Death before 15 October 1773 (Age 46) Køstrup, Brenderup sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Loading...
-4 years #4 brother |
Christen Ibsen
Birth before 5 July 1722 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Death before 17 October 1779 (Age 57) Bubel, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Loading...
8 years #5 brother |
Niels Ibsen
Birth before 1 October 1730 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Death 23 August 1763 (Age 32) Køstrup, Brenderup sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Loading...
#6 himself |
Anders Ibsen
Death before 15 July 1756 Bubel, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Loading...
#7 sister |
Anne Marie Ibsen
Birth before 26 April 1733 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Death yes Loading...
3 years #8 sister |
Dorothea Ibsdatter
Birth before 8 April 1736 Vejrup, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Death before 15 November 1779 (Age 43) Loading...
Family with Anna Madsdatter - View family |
himself |
Anders Ibsen
Death before 15 July 1756 Bubel, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Loading...
wife |
Anna Madsdatter
Death yes Loading...
Marriage: yes |
#1 daughter |
Anna Maria Andersdatter
Birth about 1746 Bubel, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Death yes Loading...
4 years #2 son |
Jeppe Andersen
Birth about 1750 Bubel, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Death yes Loading...
6 years #3 son |
Mads Andersen
Birth 1756 Bubel, Indslev sogn, Vends herred, Odense amt, Danmark Death yes Loading...