Elna VintherAge: 721913–1986
- Name
- Elna Vinther
Birth | 28 March 1913 20 Videbæk, Vorgod sogn, Bølling herred, Ringkøbing amt, Danmark |
Baptism | 6 April 1913 (Age 9 days) Vorgod Kirke, Vorgod sogn, Bølling hered, Ringkøbing amt, Danmark |
Marriage of a father | Poul Winther - View family 12 February 1931 (Age 17) Finderup Kirke, Finderup sogn, Løve herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark
father -
Poul Winther
step-mother -
Bertha Marie Pouline Madsen
Death of a father | before 1986 (Age 72)
father -
Poul Winther
Death | 3 January 1986 (Age 72) |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Poul Winther
Birth 22 February 1893 Nørre Harridslev, Vennebjerg sogn, Vennebjerg herred, Hjørring amt, Danmark Death before 1986 (Age 92) Loading...
mother |
#1 herself |
Elna Vinther
Birth 28 March 1913 20 Videbæk, Vorgod sogn, Bølling herred, Ringkøbing amt, Danmark Death 3 January 1986 (Age 72) Loading...
Father’s family with Bertha Marie Pouline Madsen - View family |
father |
Poul Winther
Birth 22 February 1893 Nørre Harridslev, Vennebjerg sogn, Vennebjerg herred, Hjørring amt, Danmark Death before 1986 (Age 92) Loading...
19 months step-mother |
Bertha Marie Pouline Madsen
Birth 25 September 1894 Køng, Finderup sogn, Løve herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Death yes Loading...
Religious marriage: 12 February 1931 — Finderup Kirke, Finderup sogn, Løve herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark |
Photos |
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Internal reference
Last change 8 November 2017 - 11:23:33by: Ole Henrik Madsen
Hit Count: 706