Karen Nielsdatter1836–?
- Name
- Karen Nielsdatter
Birth | about 1836 26 Forsinge, Ubby sogn, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark |
Death of a father | before 28 February 1839 (Age 3) Forsinge, Ubby sogn, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark
father -
Niels Jensen
Death of a paternal grandmother | before 19 January 1846 (Age 10) Forsinge, Ubby sogn, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark
paternal grandmother -
Sara Nielsdatter
Death | yes |
Family with parents - View family |
father |
Niels Jensen
Death before 28 February 1839 Forsinge, Ubby sogn, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Loading...
mother |
Karen Christensdatter
Birth about 1810 Lille Fuglede sogn, Holbæk amt, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Loading...
Marriage: yes |
#1 elder sister |
Ane Kirstine Nielsdatter
Birth about 1829 19 Forsinge, Ubby sogn, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Death yes Loading...
4 years #2 elder brother |
Jens Nielsen
Birth about 1833 23 Forsinge, Ubby sogn, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Death yes Loading...
3 years #3 herself |
Karen Nielsdatter
Birth about 1836 26 Forsinge, Ubby sogn, Ars herred, Holbæk amt, Danmark Death yes Loading...
Extra information
Internal reference
Last change 8 November 2017 - 11:23:33by: Ole Henrik Madsen
Hit Count: 742